Eyeshadow Bases

I am a fan of GOLD eyeshadows and GOLD bases. There are a few paintpots from MAC that are amazing and works beautifully to enhance any gold colour over lid.

Brassy Fluidline, Corn and Shimmersand shadesticks

Fluidlines can also be used as bases. If applied in thin layer and evenly, they just stick to the eyelids and then eyeshadow won't move an inch!!
Brassy Fluidline is a lovely brassy, golden'ish' colour.
Corn Shadestick is a true, yellow gold base. If you are a gold lover...u got to have this one in your stash. These two are discontinued, but can be found at certain CCOs.

Paint Pots

The infamous, MAC paint pots are amazing bases. Cashflow is a LE (limited edition colour) and its a lovely lovely gold colour. Can be worn alone by itself.
Rubensque is a peachy gold and Indianwood is a bronzey gold. Both are permanent.


The colours don't do justice at all. I tried my best to capture whatever i could. May be in near future, when i am a bit comfortable with lighing and stuff, i will update these swatches. As of now, it gives a pretty decent idea...:)

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