I find sales good opportunity to stock up on staples and also trying out products that we kinda want to try but not willing to pay full price...eeeks????
The surprising part though is i could get my 2 MAC boxes delivered and one box (last order that i ordered on last day..tongue twister...:)) didn't make it to my place...May be i will be getting that one in next few days...


I stocked up some quads and empty palettes. With soo many new collections coming, i know i am going to need these. I had brush cleanser, but then its the only stuff I use to clean brushes, so yeah..picked that too.

224 brush is a "must have" if you love blending your eye shadows...and who doesn't loves to blend...:)
I personally like plushlash mascara and i had also tried the sample size of zoomlash too. So this was the right time to pick a full size one.

This is cool. I didn't wanted to pick anything from Rose romance collection. Then i went ahead and picked gel blush and later realised i need Magnetique lip glass and Silverthorn eyeshadow too. Finally i gave in and oredered those. Silverthorn is yet to reach me..:(
From the Naked Honey collection i wanted to pick Highlight powder but my dear friend said it was no where near to highlight powder...its was just a powder...such a bummer!!! I was kinda waiting for this one. I ended up buying Queen bee lipglass and Creme de meil eyeshadow.
The eyeshadow reminds me of Rice paper eyeshadow, which i adore...and this one was Veluxe Pearl too...so lovely colour combined with lovely finish....BONUS!!!!
I also picked Trace gold blush which is a lovely and imparts a golden glow, which suits my Olive undertone complexion to the 'T'

Both these lipglass are pretty different in real life. They are nice enough to own both..:)
I am awaiting my last box to be delivered...will update the goodies soon..:)
BTW, if you notice some nice "professional" touch to my pictures with all the labels and watermark.....its simply because i got photoshop software and i am learning to use it...:)
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